The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A study on the Evaluation and Preference on the Sign Design of the Industrial Heritages Space
Authors 장징위(Zhang JingYu) ; 윤지영(Yoon Jiyoung)
Page pp.79-89
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Industrial Heritages Space? ; Regional Culture ; Sign Design ; Evaluation Factors ; Preference
Abstract This study aims at evaluating the characteristics and the preference on the sign design in the industrial heritages space. The research were performed by the process of literature review, case study, and survey of questionnaire. Seven industrial heritage space in Korea and China regenerated as art and cultural space after 2000 were selected and evaluated by 6 criteria including integrity, continuity, simplicity, aesthetics, legibility and historic aspects. The findings were the following. First, the six criteria factors were evaluated as the similar scores in the assessment of 7 sites without extremity. Simplicity was the highest score while historicality was the lowest one. It means that the characteristics of the sign systems of the heritage sites were focused on the simple, contemporary and effective design. Second, integrity, continuity, aesthetics, legibility were evaluated as the medium score in the sign design. While, in the evaluation on the aesthetics the score differences were comparatively high. Sanhai M50 which got the highest score showed the integrity of contrast using yellow and grey color with minimal design. However, Sanghai M50 got the lowest score in the historic aspects and was evaluated as the most favorite sign design in the preference. It means that the historic aspects have no direct relationship with the preference for the sign design. It shows that the effectiveness with integrity and the aesthetic aspects are considered more importantly than the application of the historic identity of the site in sign design.