The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Study on Characters of the Architecture of the Social Participation Reflected Up-cycling Design - Focused on Shigeru Ban's Architectural Cases -
Authors 김민철(Kim, Min-Cheol) ; 김지은(Kim, Ji-Eun)
Page pp.14-24
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Up-cycling ; Design ; Architecture of the Social Participation ; Correlation ; Shigeru Ban
Abstract We're all living in a fast-changing society. As the days advanced, we could gain many conveniences in our lives, but also had many problems. As these problems threaten our lives, a variety of ways to solve them are emerging. Up-cycling is one of solutions for environmental pollution( one of many problems ) by recycling discarded stuffs in a different way to make new products. There is also social participation architecture, which is not only an 'up-cycling' for the environment, but also an important way to solve social problems. This study analyzes 'Up-cycling' and 'social participation architecture', and figures out of architectural characteristics through the background and philosophy of 'Shigeru Ban'. Also, we will intend to derive his social participation architecture using eco-friendly 'Up-cycling' through the architectural characteristics example of 'Shigeru Ban'. In the end of this study, we will present a new method as a mixture of architectural design using 'Up-cycling' and social participation architecture with aware of our society and environment in architecture and design.