The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title Research on the Application Cases and Characteristics of Chinese Traditional Style in Modern Architecture - Focusing on Hui-style Architecture -
Authors 김장(Jin, Zhuang) ; 김경숙(Kim, Kyung-Sook)
Page pp.41-48
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Chinese Traditional Architecture ; Hui Style ; Regional Culture
Abstract As a comprehensive embodiment of social culture, traditional architecture can reflect the historical accumulation and cultural tradition of a nation. Traditional architecture, which is beneficial to modern architectural creation, possesses abundant cultural connotation and aesthetic image. However, at present, the basic data, that the fusion of hui-style architecture and modern architecture, is not perfect. As one of the most important parts of traditional Chinese architecture, hui-style architecture embodies the unique charm of regional culture, which involves phenotypic features, modeling design features, decorative features and plane features that abound in values of research and modern application. Representative modern architectures such as Suzhou Museum, Jixi Museum, Banyan Tree Huangshan Hotel, Anh Luh Lanting Resorts, illustrate that hui-style has been marvelously applied in modern architecture. This paper aims at analyzing the application of phenotypic features, modeling design features, decorative features and plane features of hui-style architecture in modern architecture by focusing on outstanding hui-style modern architecture. The analysis result shows that the representative modern architecture of Chinese hui-style makes it possible both to meet the functional requirements of the basic space and to retore the phenotypic features of the hui-style architecture by being replaced materials and colors. The outdoor space of the building adopts the traditional hui-style such as "high house", "patio"and"four water belongs to the hall". the brick, stone, and wood carving, as the decorative features of hui-style architecture, are adopted into interior decoration of modern space. Three-in-one dwelling is used as plane composition of the basic space to achievean open display effect. And H-shaped dwelling and four-in-one dwelling are used to meet the needs of non-open or semi-open spaces. All of these allow the whole structure to be full of both practical significance of modern architecture, and high aesthetic, scientific and economic value.