The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title An Usability Evaluation of Flexible Modular Furniture for Single-person Households
Authors 최주영(Choi, Joo-Young) ; 이은지(Lee, Eun-Ji) ; 박성준(Park, Sung-jun)
Page pp.89-98
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Single-person Households ; Modular Furniture ; Flexible Furniture ; Usability Evaluation ; Universal Design
Abstract This study aims to propose the direction of developing flexible modular furnitures through analyzing the usability evaluation for single-person households. The usability evaluation of flexible modular furnitures is critical for single-person households because many of them prefer these furnitures that can form an efficient space that eliminates unnecessary space according to their lifestyle. The method of this study was conducted by literature review and the survey through an experiment. Firstly, in literature review, the definition and concept of user evaluation and the principles of universal design were summarized. Secondly, the usability evaluation factor and detailed elements were extracted through correlation analysis. Lastly, the usability was evaluated through questionnaires conducted with experiments on the assembly of a modular furniture. The result of this study is as follows. Firstly, 79% of respondents have a positive attitude toward the variable modular furniture and 38% of respondents prefer to reassemble flexible modular furniture every three months. Secondly, the item, 'satisfaction' was the highest followed by 'accessibility', 'usability' and 'discovery possibility'. On the other hand, items on 'usability' and 'reliability and value' were relatively low. Lastly, 3 items, 'usability,' 'satisfaction,' and 'accessibility' were significant differences according to sex. Therefore, the flexible modular furniture needs to be developed considering seasonal change, the items with low satisfaction, and the difference of sex.