The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Study on the Psychology Child Developmental Based Color Environmental - Focused on Case Study of Children's Library After 2017 -
Authors 양은지(Yang, Eun-Ji) ; 이민(Lee, Min)
Page pp.117-126
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Children's Library ; Color Psychology ; Child Psychology ; Psychology Child Developmental ; Color Environmental
Abstract For children, colors are a tool they use to express themselves and a medium through which they sense and recognize their environment so the psychological reactions and developments that colors cause for children should be understood together. Colors affect children in various aspects such as child development, psychology (emotion), learning, and character building and libraries are a space that develop the body and emotions through various activities such as reading and learning so colors that follow activity regions and the development stages of children should be applied. There are many current cases in which the colors used in children's spaces do not fully take the developmental and psychological aspects of children into consideration. Despite the importance of colors mentioned above, the children's library space design field lacks the provision of color environments that are age appropriate and color application standards that suit spatial characteristics. At this, this study attempted to understand child development psychology based on the perception and recognition of the characteristics of color environments in child spaces, apply child development psychology, and analyze the color environments of child spaces. Analysis results showed that while it is a meaningful attempt to apply colors that children prefer to induce positive effects and reactions, if the environment color standards of children's spaces are not put into consideration, they may bring about negative agitation and interpretation instead of positive reactions. Therefore, research that analyzes children's color recognition and reactions along with their psychological effects must be conducted. It is anticipated that this study will be applied as base material that can provide and improve "color environment standards' that are appropriate for children.