The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title Study on Change to Sensitivity Index Shown at Differences of Spatial Image Media
Authors 김종하(Kim, Jong-Ha) ; 최계영(Choi, Gae-Young)
Page pp.166-173
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Original Image ; Graphic Image ; Eye-tracking ; Visual-perception ; Pupil ; Sensitivity Index
Abstract This study conducted the eye-tracking test on the images that presented different media in cafe spaces as objects to analyze the characteristics of change to sensitivity indices shown at visual-perception reaction. Women college students participated in the test as subjects and data on fixation and pupil were employed for the test. The followings are the definitions based on test results. First, Depending on the media providing images, the size of pupil changed relatively, which enabled the appreciation of differences between the characteristics of obtaining visual information. Second, at the initial phase of observation, the original images attracted interest and attention. On the other hand, the graphic image was found to induce consistent interest and attention as observation time passed. Third, the differences between image media enabled the analysis of pattern flow. There was [A→C] pattern from both two images at the initial phase, at the ending phase it ended as [→A] pattern, in the middle phase the original image made [C→B] pattern take place and the graphic images gave rise to [C→A→B] pattern while in the process of going to [→B] pattern [A] pattern was added. For any analysis of adaptability to virtual space, it is necessary to appreciate the differences of visual perception depending on the differences of provided media to be prepared for visual-perceptive information environment.