The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Study on Intersensation and Media Space through Phenomenological Body Experience - Focusing on the Concept of Orientation and Depth of Merleau-Ponty -
Authors 이경진(Lee, Kyung-Jin)
Page pp.3-10
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Phenomenology ; Merleau-Ponty ; Wertheimer ; Orientation ; Depth ; Intersensation ; Intimacy
Abstract This study is to predict the experiential possibilities of phenomenological media space design, by recognizing that the phenomenological environment and placeness bring about an experience(movement) of the human body due to the effect of contemporary media technology and expression and by analyzing their elements and characteristics. Therefore this study is firstly going to analyze Merleau-Ponty's concepts(orientation and depth) of experience space.The experiential characteristics of placeness and temporality were derived from the concepts of 'orientation' and 'depth'. Based on the media space design which recognizes the phenomenological experience of architecture and the public space design as focusing on placeness and temporality by the review of public projects. And it examines the architectural space where new media is applied, and based on its installation and application, suggests intersensational characteristics of mediation shown in media technology. In the case analysis, the media spaces planned by the designer were generating continuous communication between space-users and participants. Furthermore, the public was able to experience the phenomenon of integrated interaction. Concretely the media space provides experiences of a sense of place, responsive medium, the relationship of media and body through experiences of intersensation. Therefore, the media technology combined with space has become a medium to form an intimacy to the place, while constantly directing other situations and visualizing direct messages. This study has a significance in expecting the expandability of communication and expression in phenomenological media technology.