The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Study on the Plan of Coloration Considering Relation between Wall and Objects in Senior Hospital Room - Focused on senior patients in South Korea and China -
Authors 고가로(Gao, Jialu) ; 김인성(Kim, In-sung) ; 서지은(Seo, Ji-Eun) ; 김민규(Kim, Mingyu)
Page pp.32-40
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Coloration ; Senior hospital room ; Wall ; Objects ; Comparison ; Korea ; China
Abstract The purpose of this study is to grasp the method for the coloration of a color image in senior hospital rooms considering the relation between space and objects based on the result of a survey from senior patients in Korea and China and to compare and analyze the difference of the survey result. The representative color image and adjective vocabulary were selected in IRI Color Image Chart. The survey is conducted on 100 senior patients in Korea and China to identify their preferred color images in regards to space and objects. The method of a survey about the preference of each color image is self-test based on the 7-point recorder scale. The analysis for the color planning method of space and objects in the senior hospital room was conducted through the technical statistics of SPSS for Win-23.0. The results of this study are as follows: Firstly, the result of this study will effectively utilize the plan for coloration of the color image between space and objects, furniture and fabric, in order to improve the mental health in hospital rooms for the senior. Secondly, the color image which has the high preference degree of color for space, furniture and fabric is 'light', 'pure', 'natural', 'classic', 'genuine' and 'joyful'. We could explain that those colors are close to static in the chromatic axis and too soft in the value axis comparing to IRI Color Image Scale. Thirdly, The correlation of the color image preferences between space and furniture, space and fabric is low. These results explain that there is no specific preferred color image of furniture or fabric associated with older patients, even if they have a particularly preferred color image of the patient in the patient's room. Lastly, there are differences in color image preferences that have a significant correlation, and in the coloration, methods to enhance user satisfaction. In case of China, the coloration of the fabric of the 'pure' color image in the spatial color image of 'pure', 'light' and 'natural' is a method to increase the satisfaction degree of senior patients.