The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title The Initial Value of Extraction for Visual Perception in VR(Virtual Reality) Eye-tracking Experiments
Authors 김주연(Kim, Ju-Yeon) ; 김종하(Kim, Jong-Ha)
Page pp.84-94
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Virtual Reality ; Interior Design ; Eye-tracking ; Initial Value
Abstract The new technology development in the VR (Virtual Reality) space is on the initial stages of developing the program that identifies designed space in architecture area, and moves or designs space components. VR should be expected to have high applicability in the architectural design area, but it was limited to research on the progress of changing user's sense to visual for obtain visual information. In this research, visual characteristics were analyzed through VR visual tracking (SMI-HTC vive) experiment. The results are as following. First, 24 (Male students) participated in this experiment by interacting with visual tracking system that constructed VR experimental protocol based on case study on visual tracking research and literature reviews, and uses HMD(head mounted device) visual stimulation. Second, prevented the distortion of the observation data by suggesting the process of deriving the conclusion that it is correct to exclude time interval which the observation does not occur in during visual tracking data coding from the analyzation. Third, it is desirable to analyze the visual perception activity to be set the consecutive fixation time to 0.1 in order to evaluate initial observation characteristicsin the space perception process through the seconds unit analysis. However in this case, the distortion occurs in the observation process at the initial observation time, it is possible to distinguish the tendency of total observation by excluding up to 10 seconds from beginning of experiment. Fourth, it is good to reflect it without excluding the initial observation time in the analysis of 'Conscious observation, visual understanding'. However, there is limitation to have valuable basis data that evaluates observation characteristics in the VR environment due to the low frequency of observation in total.