The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Study on the Renovation of Educational Space for Promoting Creativity and Sensibility - Focused on Case Study of Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education's "Dreaming Classroom" -
Authors 배지윤(Bae, Jiyoon) ; 김우종(Kim, Woojong) ; 이경선(Lee, Kyung Sun)
Page pp.12-23
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Changes in Education System ; Emotional Education Space ; Child Development Environment ; Creative Education Space Design ; Classroom Renovation
Abstract Recently, the aging of school facilities is rapidly progressing with the low birth rate, change of the educational curriculum based on revolution of social structure should be accompanied. School should no longer be a place for one-sided knowledge transfer, but should promote the Sociability for children. In addition, recent diversification of educational facilities is inevitable for school's values. Therefore, this study included the theoretical research of space design which positively plays a role in child development. Furthermore, the research has explored a new direction of the educational space that supports the creative environment of the child's emotional development focused on case study of Seoul metropolitan office of education's "Dreaming Classroom". The research method is as follows: First, the influence of emotion, the importance of creative education space and emotional space on children's development will be analyzed through literature review, and the form with space design elements that promote emotion and creativity will be identified. Second, the characteristics of interior design expressed case study of "Dreaming Classroom" are analyzed. Finally, the design characteristics of the program and educational space are examined for a new spatial model for the future development of children and education. In conclusion, this research suggests the direction for a spatial model of educational environment that supports stimulation environment of children's emotional development according to future educational environment change.