The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Study on the Characteristics of Backrest Rail in ZhuoZhengYuan of China
Authors 이민(Lee, Min)
Page pp.59-67
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Chinese traditional garden ; Sedentary lifestyle ; Backrest rail ; Rail
Abstract The purpose of this study is to discuss the characteristics of a backrest rail combining with the backrest and actively accepting the sitting behavior in the development process of rail and the spatial characteristics of garden. The Chinese traditional garden is the aggregation of tangible or intangible elements including unique ideas, social characteristics, arts and culture of the oriental cultural region which also needs to be considered carefully in the field of space design. This traditional garden that reflects two aspects including real life and appreciation is also an ideal environment established by the builder in a certain area. The area of the Chinese traditional garden is divided based on a high fence constructed on the outer boundaries, so its unique spatial characteristics are shown clearly under defined conditions. ZhuoZhengYuan selected as the spatial range of this study is considered to represent the Chinese traditional garden and represent the literary culture at the same time. Therefore, various concepts, techniques and spatial elements for overcoming the limitation of finite space and creating a new space have been developed. One of them is the sitting rail, and the backrest rail is the most iconic spatial element. In order to study them, the spatial and establishment characteristics and the garden were determined. Based on the findings, the numerical value of each part in the backrest rail was measured and its implications were presented, and the conclusion linked with the characteristics of garden space were provided. Different cultural aspects and development for dealing with space even in the same East Asian region were verified through on this study, and it is expected that the result of this study will be utilized as preliminary data for more advanced studies in future.