The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title An Analysis of Overwhelming Color in Luis Barragan and James Terrell's Using Color-Field Abstract
Authors 김선영(Kim, Sun-Young)
Page pp.83-90
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Color-Field Abstract ; Luis Barragan ; James Terrell ; Overwhelming Color
Abstract Currently, the field of visual arts has expanded its scope and meaning by the development of media technology. Nevertheless, form and colors are the main means to express the value system pursued by painters and architects. Among them, the overwhelming color is used as a tool to determine the nuance of the art itself or the space where the art is installed. Especially the vast color of the visual arts has a great influence on synesthesia effect. In other words, overwhelming color is a transition of sensations that loosens the space between the interior and exterior of the space - the work and the workspace. Therefore, overwhelming color can not be seen only as a result of the physical energy of light. Therefore, this study examines the works of Luis Barragan and James Turrell, who actively utilize the features of color facial abstraction and apply gigantic colors to the nuances of space. The characteristics of the used by them are as follows. First, overwhelming color does not aim at the coloring and harmony of the target color as the expression element of the artist. That is, the form is collapsed, newly completed, and has abstract properties of cancellation. Second, this do not seek formative formality by means of color. Thus, the macroscopic colors are juxtaposed or collided with each other and have a hybridization characteristic of Non-figurative. Third, this extend color to spaces outside objects. Especially, the weight of the overwhelming color has the unified characteristic of the borderless due to the mystique and awe.