The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title The Study on the Architectural Concept of Wien Werkbund Housing Estate and the Typological Characteristics of 'Box-Shaped Houses'
Authors 전남일(Jun, Nam-Il)
Page pp.91-100
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Wien Werkbund Housing Estate ; Ostreichischer Werkbund(OWB) ; Box-Shaped House ; Typology ; Modern Housing ; Minimum Living
Abstract This study explored the innovative and experimental design of housing in the transition period to the modern era, focusing on the case of the Wien Werkbund Housing Estate, led by OWB(Ostereichischer Werkbund). This housing exhibition was intended to present a utopian model for the modern living space. Thus, the purpose of this study is to reveal the typological characteristics and spatial layout within a box-shaped mass, which was designed for 'minimal house' for modern nuclear families. The floor plan provided maximum comfort within minimal dimension and tried to find a reasonable solution in a compact form. Thus, this study examined concrete and empirical basis for the planning of modern houses by quantitative analyzing of this cases. The types of floor plan could be classified into three categories: schiera type, square type, and front-extended type. The square type was dominant, indicating that there is a normative floor plan proportion, which is suitable for a limited area. This analysis also showed that the minimum area was found in the schiera type, and in the case of the front-extended type, it was difficult to layout the rooms, despite of the larger dimension. In conclusion, the specificity that defines the modern housing architecture of Wien is 'diversity and disciplinarity in the aesthetic of the new era of the Box-Shaped house'. The experimental trial of OWB has been inherited the morphological characteristics of modern architecture, but it reflected the tradition of the Wiener Werkstatte, which was a great difference from the rigid technology oriented Functionalism architecture of the Deutscher Werkbund.