The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Study on the Color Plan of Children's Daycare Center Nursing Space by Children's Color Selection
Authors 종유지아(Zhong, Yu-Jia) ; 남경숙(Nam, Kyoung-Sook)
Page pp.25-34
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Color Selection ; Color Plan ; Daycare Center Nursing Space
Abstract Children's Daycare Center is an important place in pre-school education, and infants spend most of their lives in children's daycare center, which plays an important role in the development stage of infants. Of these, the color of indoor space in particular has an important effect on the psychological and physiological growth of children. The purpose of this study is to analyze the color preference of infants and study the color of children's daycare center nursing space. The target of the case study was nursing space in four children's daycare center in China, and the survey was conducted on infants aged 3-6 years old. The research methods and contents are first considered theoretically in the children's daycare center and the color preference of infants through prior study. Second, the psychological impact of the color in the children's daycare center is analyzed through a case study. A survey is conducted on the color preference of infants with the help of an assistant teacher. Third, through the analysis of case studies and surveys, we identified the psychological impact of the color of the nursery space on infants and analyzed the color preference of each room. As a result of this study, infants aged 3-4 chose primary colors without conscious access to color, while infants aged 5-6 chose cool colors with advanced color recognition. In the nap room, the harmony between warm color and cool color, which was not very saturated, gave a comfortable feeling. Therefore, if the color of the child's interior is reasonably colored based on the color perception and preference of the child by age, the child's cognitive development, emotional development and psychological development can be expected through color