Title |
Analysis of Brand Experience Using Visual Merchandising of Global Brand Retailers |
Authors |
김나연(Kim, Nayeon) ; 이현수(Lee, Hyunsoo) |
https://doi.org/10.14774/JKIID.2019.28.4.003 |
Keywords |
Global Brand; Brand Experience; Intellectual Experience; Visual Merchandising; Retail Stores in New York |
Abstract |
This study is about experiential marketing in retailing that provides a brand experience that plays an important role in retail space and analyzed the intellectual experience of the brand experience of global brand retailers. To quantitatively evaluate the spatial layout and visualization methods of Visual Merchandising at retail stores, a field study was conducted from November 1 to 7, 2018 in Manhattan, New York, to collect global brand retail store data. A VMD evaluation of six global brand retail store cases showed that the latest information on brands and products was well visualized. In addition to the sales area, additional space was provided for cultural events, brand experiences and educational experiences. However, there was a lack of space or devices to experience online and offline access using digital technology. In the future, retailers should use digital technology to connect their mobile experiences with the physical environment to focus on continuously providing the holistic customer experience. Retailers will need to optimize their brand intellectual experience through interaction with consumers by using educational content and advanced technologies as well as space experiences. |