The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title An Approach to the On-site Visualization in Early Phase of Design based on Augmented Reality(AR)
Authors 이상훈(Lee, Sanghoon) ; 김진성(Kim, Jinsung) ; 송재열(Song, Jaeyeol) ; 이진국(Lee, Jin-Kook)
Page pp.97-104
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Augmented Reality(AR); Interior Design; Communication; On-site Visualization
Abstract This paper describes an approach to the on-site visualization of design alternatives in early phase of design for enhancing visual communication by using Augmented Reality(AR) technique. Early design visualization and appropriate communication with clients is one of the keys in design project to alleviate some unnecessary time-consuming tasks such as often design changes caused by miscommunication. Conventional design communication is usually based on 2-dimensional drawings and rendering images at off-site. because they are fundamental and de-facto standard way of delivering an idea of designers. However, it is sometimes hard to fully deliver designers’ intents especially complex shapes of design or on-site realism. As one of realistic design visualization media, this paper deals with an application of on-site interior design visualization using AR technique based on an actual design project. It overlaps virtual objects and real world to provide a composite view to users. By utilizing AR, the designer can represent their design ideas to the client more intuitively by providing realistically experience about design plan. This paper proposes an approach to visualizing design alternatives using AR and presents an implementation example of a on-site AR visualization especially for the interior design project using an actual demo. This implementation aims to confirm that AR could be applied as a visualization medium, especially for interior design communication.