The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title The Expressive Characteristics of Decodification in the Architectural Flesh of Min Woo-sik’s Project
Authors 박영태(Park, Young-Tae)
Page pp.134-146
ISSN 12297992
Keywords form; aesthetics; desire; flesh; Lacan; Merleau Ponty; Deleuze
Abstract The purpose of this study is to analyze Min Woo-sik’s working method that strongly reveals the decoded expression characteristics. He focuses on ‘formal aesthetics’ that contemporary architects intentionally avoid, revealing his own characteristics. However, there is a distinction between postmodern, deconstructive architecture, and paper architecture that have been issues in the past. Therefore, this study focuses on the following aspects by symptomatic reading. Min Woo-sik’s work is not human-centered, but architecture itself is the subject and constitutes the world of abyss. He creates aesthetics of architectural forms through the physicalization of architecture, which consists of the physical elements of architecture. This is expressed in his constructive sense logic. This study attempts to clarify these characteristics by decoded representational characteristics in Lacan’s theory of psy choanaly sis and Merleau Ponty ’s theory of flesh and Deleuz e’s Francis Bacon painting. From then on, Min Woo-sik summarized the main characteristics of the interpretation of works as the creation of new architectural formal logic based on the prim itive and deceptive setting mentioned by the desire and impulse of architectural flesh. As a result, I reconstructed Lacan’s transition, sublimation, concept of violation, and Merleau Ponty’s theory and Deleuze’s theory of color painting. The decoded expression characteristics of Min Woo-sik’s architecture derived from these are as follows. Min Woo-sik attempts his own inhuman constructing attitude away from the architectural codes that are leveling with human-oriented architecture in the information age. His work indulges architectural reality in the primitive and m em ory of architecture. At the same time, the desire and impulse to become the fundamental body of architecture are constructed in violation of human-centered architecture. From this he reorganized the actual indulgence of the architectural body in the way of the decode, expressing a new possibility of the structure of architectural desire.