The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Study on Architecture Exhibition as a Poetic Space and Spatial Experience
Authors 이승희(Lee, SeungHee) ; 조한(Joh, Hahn)
Page pp.95-104
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Poetic space; Creative structure of poetry; Metaphor; Metonym; Irony; Imagination; Spatial experience
Abstract The research aimed to determine what the characteristics of poetic space are and how the audience experiences it through an analysis of the British view of the 2018 Venice Architecture Biennale. The theme of the 2018 Venice Architecture Biennale was “Free Space”, and the British Pavilion organized the exhibition under the concept of “Island”, and displayed the “empty space” without any other exhibition content. Since this implicit direction has similarities to the ‘creative structure of poetry’ based on ‘metaphor’ and ‘imagination’, it is assumed that this space is ‘poetic space’ and that ‘characteristics of poetical space’ are revealed. The British pavilion used the techniques of ‘metaphor’, ‘metonym’ and ‘irony’ on the theme of ‘island’, and metaphorically introduced the isolated image of ‘island’ through scaffolding, and tea time event on the rooftop expressed British culture in a conciliatory way. It also displayed ‘empty space’ in the exhibition space, creating a situational irony.It also displayed ‘empty space’ in the exhibition space, creating a situational irony. Visitors interact with space through four spatial experience structures: “Moving”, “Atmosphere”, “Imagination”, and “Memory”. Visitors can imagine the monotonous life of the island through free movement in the ‘empty space’, experience an isolated atmosphere from the image of ‘scaffolding’ that wrapped around the outside of the British Pavilion, participation in ‘tea time’ at the rooftop square became an expansion of time and space while experiencing British culture. In conclusion, in a poetic space, metaphors, imagination, and ironic techniques are used to imply, confront, and symbolically express the subject, and the visitors combine and create images for subjective interpretation and understanding in space, crossing memories, and emotional reciprocity in space.