The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Study on the Children’s Hospital Waiting Space Interior Design Improvement Measures
Authors 김수정(Kim, Soo-Jeong) ; 박수빈(Park, Soobeen)
Page pp.65-72
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Children’s Hospital; Waiting Space; Interior Design Elements; Healing Environment; Qualitative Research
Abstract Children express stress through excessive behavior and negative emotional expression, not conversation, which delivers stress to people nearby. The purpose of this study is to find the environmental factors causing children's stress and affecting positive emotion, which can be reflected in the waiting space design. The waiting space of nine hospital in Busan were prudently examined based on the interior design elements of floor, wall, ceiling, lighting, furniture, and color. through website, two among them were analyzed by the region including the informational and preparing area, the waiting area, and the playing area. Two faculties from each hospital took part in depth interview, Results and conclusions are as follows. (1) The floors of each hospital’s waiting space was designed neutral colored polishing tiles, which were plain and slippery. Additional non-slip installation and decorating stickers could be recommended for children to play. (2) Bright colored character graphic were applied to the walls considering visual stimulation. Various textured materials are recommend to the wall which enhance children’s activities through tactile stimulation as well as visual one. (3) The monotonous design of the ceiling was problematic. for the various activities of the children, the hall-centered design should be organically connected to the corridor to integrate the space. (4) The lighting was designed with focus on the hall. The hall design should be applied to the passage in consideration of the movement of children. (5) Fixed chairs restrict the movement of children. The sofa should be installed in a form without a backrest, taking into account the various body movements of the children. (6) Overly intense colors, patterns and dark colors can cause problems with space use. To alleviate visual stress, a combination of bright and pastel colors should be combined appropriately.