The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title Needs of Smart Home Technology for the Elderly House of the Pre-Elderly in China
Authors 왕아(WANG YA) ; 오찬옥(Oh, Chan-Ohk)
Page pp.83-91
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Smart Home; Smart Technology; Smart Function; Aging Society; Pre-elderly
Abstract As the number of the aged is rapidly growing, the technology for smart home is developing fast in China. Under the circumstances, this study examines the needs of Chinese pre-elderlies for the technology of smart home for the elderly. The subjects are the pre-elderly aged of 55 to 65 years who have lived in Henan Province, China. They have been individually interviewed. The technology of smart home for the elderly is consisted of 28 items which are helpful for the elderly. The results are ; first, 28 items of the technology of smart home to be considered to be useful to the elderly are selected and they are categorized into four areas ; comfortability, safety, health, and convenience. Second, Chinese pre-elderly have had serious needs for applying the technology of smart home to house for the elderly. Their needs are comfortability, safety, convenience, and health in order. Third, the needs for the technology of smart home for the elderly have varied significantly depending upon the pre-elderly’s schooling years and age. The higher the schooling years and their ages, the higher their needs for the technology of smart home for the elderly. These findings would be the useful data for developing the smart home for the elderly.