The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Study on Eco-friendly Characteristics of Outdoor Playground in Australia
Authors 김자경(Kim, Ja Kyung)
Page pp.40-53
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Australia outdoor playground; Eco-friendly playground; Natural playground; Play space; Playing facilities
Abstract In the era of the 4th revolution where autonomy, creativity, and convergence are emphasized, it is very important to foster children's possibilities through play. In particular, playing outdoors without hesitation opens up more possibilities. Accordingly, as interest in the importance of eco-friendly play spaces as well as re-lighting on play has grown in Korea, many ecological playgrounds have been created around the area from 2014. However, the realization of an eco-playground in the true meaning of an eco-friendly playground is not well implemented. Therefore, in this study, based on the design philosophy of “the best playground is nature,” we analyzed the eco-friendly characteristics of Australia's outdoor playground using natural elements as much as possible and presented the main planning elements of the eco-friendly outdoor playground. Accordingly, 10 playgrounds with the scale of district play and neighborhood play spaces were selected in three areas in Australia, and observation and survey were conducted through direct field trips. we evaluated the environment-friendliness of these playgrounds in the 8 fields(location and placement, ecological environment, play space, play equipment and facilities, additional facilities, materials and resources, energy saving, environmental load reduction) according to the levels(suitable, partial reflection, unsuitable, non-reflection) of reflection of eco-friendly planning factors. we evaluated the environment-friendliness of these playgrounds in the 8 fields(location and placement, ecological environment, play space, play equipment and facilities, additional facilities, materials and resources, energy saving, environmental load reduction) according to the levels(suitable, partial reflection, non-reflection) of reflection of eco-friendly planning factors. The following is the summary of the results about the reflection of eco-friendly planning factors. In terms of "suitable": location and placement(98.3%), play equipment and facilities(91.2%), play space(88.6%), environmental load reduction (88.3%), ecological environment(76.9%), additional facilities(77.6%) and materials and resources(70.4%) were higher than others in Korea. In terms of "non-reflection": energy saving (65%), additional facilities(18%), materials and resources(8.3%) showed that overall eco-friendly planning elements were actively reflected except for energy saving.