The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Study on the Importance of Cafe space Design Elements by AHP Analysis
Authors 장은지(Jang, Eun-Ji) ; 한혜련(Han, Hae-Ryon)
Page pp.54-65
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Robot; Robot barista; AHP; Analystic hirachy process
Abstract The increase in the number of residential and commercial spaces that implementedrobot systems is exponential. Moreover, the development of the FourthIndustrial Revolution has enabled commercial space designs to introduce robotsystems. The recent outbreak of Covid-19 has triggered a rapid increase indemand for non-face-to-face space, causing robot systems not only to beimplemented in the production field but also to be closely involved in our lives.In addition to these external changes, a customer-oriented environment has alsogained interest. However, the reality is that there is a lack of grounds for abetter physical environment to counter the planning as general commercialspaces in most cases. Accordingly,this study aims to derive the importance of elements of cafe space design byapplying AHP and to identify the relative weight and priority among theevaluated elements. The results derived from this study are expected to presentimplications for management that can contribute to cafe space planning in thefuture where robot baristas are introduced.Indoing so, this study utilizes the following research methods. First, a reviewof literature and theories is conducted to examine the influence of space incafe selection and concepts of cafe space elements and VMD elements. Second,the elements of cafe space and VMD are reclassified to derive Level 1, whichincludes upper hierarchy items, and Level 2, which includes the lower hierarchyitems, via brainstorming. Third, case document analysis and questionnairesurveys on users are conducted, respectively, to identify relative importance.Fourth, the results of the case document analysis are summarized, followed byderiving the results with mathematical statistics from the statistics of thequestionnaires by using CR, the AHP analysis program.