The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Study on the Direction of Experiential Exhibition Space Design through the Sensory Theory of Gilles Deleuze
Authors 이상희(Lee, Sang-Hee) ; 김개천(Kim, Kai-Chun) ; 김지은(Kim, Ji-Eun)
Page pp.82-93
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Gilles Deleuze; Francis Bacon; The Logic of Sense; Sense; Exhibition Space Design
Abstract For a long time humanity has been trying to understand the world using ‘senses’ Gilles Deleuze viewed sense through ontological event where no boundary separates object and subject. His intuition proves that sense is the primal experience that is directly transferred without taking a detour called story. If one is to view an exhibition space using sense referred by Deleuze, the exhibition must help the viewer shudder without actually making the viewer shudder. Based on such background, the purpose of this study is to investigate the direction of modern exhibition space to allow visitors to experience ‘sense’ focusing on ?Logic of Sense?. The study will first conduct a theoretical investigation on sensationalism to gain general understanding. Secondly, elements of Deleuze’s Sensationalism and Francis Bacon’s work will be analyzed based on documents written by Deleuze. Thirdly, the study will propose a method for sensory expression in experience exhibition space based on the link existing between sensationalism and exhibition space. Lastly, the study will suggest the direction of modern experience exhibition space based on case analysis investigated in the study. The direction of the essence of modern experience exhibition space depends on the conveyance of ‘sense’ and ‘invisible power.’ By analyzing cases suitable for the purpose of the study, it was confirmed that viewers perceive space differently depending on action. Additionally, the study also showed that variety of actions in exhibition space makes the ‘space itself’ as a part of exhibition without the presence of objet and allow more varied understanding of the space. Attempts to understand using fundamental thinking process helps to see the direction of modern experience exhibition space and act as an effective means to predict such direction. The study hopes that such method would in turn expand to become one type of exhibition design process.