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the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

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Title Comparison and Analysis of Characteristics and Narratives of Architecture in Ancient Rome in Movie Spaces
Authors 최효식(Choi, Hyo-Sik)
Page pp.94-107
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Movie; Ancient Roman architecture; Location; Set; Narrative
Abstract This study set out to make a list of movies that used the architectural styles of Roman architecture and sets and locations related to them, comparing and analyzing them. Its main purposes are to identify the characteristics of spaces in these movies applicable to education on the history of Roman architecture and analyze how they were utilized in movie narratives based on results. The study proceeded in the following method: first, it would examine the architectural styles of ancient Rome generally, classify movies set in the Roman period, and make a list of them; second, it would identify the characteristics of architecture in ancient Rome by the space and style in each of the movies based on results; and third, the findings would be compared and analyzed to analyze how they were reflected in movie narratives and select movies that could represent them. The findings of the study are as follows: first, there is enough historical research on the architecture of ancient Rome in the history of architecture, which is why most movies applied the framing shooting method based on angles of depression to depict their backgrounds in details; second, the architectural characteristics of ancient Rome were used as spatial features in the narrative development of movies beyond the reproduction of space in movies; third, the characteristics of architecture in ancient Rome used in movie narratives were Domus and Insulae and amphitheaters; fourth, Spartacus Season 1(2010) highlighted the characteristics of Republican Rome architecture best; and finally, good examples of movies representing Imperial Rome architecture include Gladiator(2000) and The Fall Of The Roman Empire(1964).