The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Study on the Planning Direction of Public Permanent Rental Housing Unit Considering Living Behaviors of People with Disabilities
Authors 김은지(Kim, Eun-Ji) ; 권오정(Kwon, Oh-Jung) ; 양건희(Yang, Gun-Hee) ; 김서연(Kim, Seo-Yeon)
Page pp.15-28
ISSN 12297992
Keywords People with Disabilities; Living Behaviors; Public Permanent Rental Housing; Planning for the Dwelling Area
Abstract The purpose of this study was to suggest the planning direction of public permanent rental housing unit based on living behaviors of people with disabilities. For this purpose, this study investigated and analyzed the supply status and floor plan of 225(about 210,000 units) public permanent rental housing complexes, and conducted a literature survey to figure out behavior characteristic of people with disabilities. The result of the survey is that currently supplied public permanent rental houses have more than 2 rooms in a small space so that the space of entrance and bathroom becomes smaller. Moreover, the larger the area for exclusive use increases, the bigger the increase range of main bedroom is, however, the increase ranges of bathroom and entrance aren’t affected. It is necessary to organize the adequate floor plan of public permanent rental housing and expand the area of unit space so that the disabled can live independently. Considering single households with disabilities or couple with disabilities, this study suggests the optimum area for exclusive use of public permanent rental housing as 37.29㎡ and 1DK floor plan. In addition, it suggests entrance to be 3.29㎡, main bedroom to be 14.19㎡, bathroom to be 5.10㎡, kitchen/dining room to be 13.85㎡.