The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title An Analysis of Factors Affecting Customer Perception of Lifestyle Hotel Using Social Media Data
Authors 한유진(Han, Yoojin) ; 이현수(Lee, Hyunsoo)
Page pp.75-84
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Lifestyle Hotel; Spatial Factor; Social Media; Big Data Analytics; Image Mining; Vision AI
Abstract In an era of uncertainty in the tourism and hospitality industry, hotels should inevitably provide their unique value attached to their space. In this circumstance, global hospitality groups have been creating lifestyle brands in line with the latest trend. Even with the rapid growth of lifestyle brands, the concept of lifestyle hotels is still vague. Besides, lifestyle hotels, especially in South Korea, tend to be developed as multi-purpose complexes combined with retail. Therefore, lifestyle hotel experiences should be studied with broader perspectives, not solely focusing on its primary function of staying. This study aims to identify factors of lifestyle hotels by analyzing user-created content on Social Media. This research examined images and hashtags on an image-based social media: Instagram. Departing from investigating lifestyle hotel brands in South Korea based on 12,913 hashtags and 565 location analysis of 4,242 lifestyle hotel posts, the contents related to three lifestyle hotels(Hotel Cappuccino, L7, and GLAD) were analyzed. For this, a web crawler was developed with Python. A total of 84,585 hashtags and 52,707 images were analyzed using Vision AI to explore the crucial factors. The results demonstrated that design, facilities, setting, and service factors are the most influential in lifestyle hotels. Also, the lifestyle segment reflects the latest lifestyle and hospitality trends. Based on these results, this study suggests the five main categories of factors for future research: design, facilities, setting, service, and trend. Moreover, this research suggests broader uses of big data and deep learning for deriving the factors that influence the perception and evaluation of hotel spaces.