The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Study on the Characteristics of Simultaneous Shared Network in Knowledge Information Space
Authors 황미영(Hwang, Mee-Young)
Page pp.140-148
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Knowledge Information Space; Simultaneous; Sharing; Network; Library
Abstract Modern libraries are social sharing systems that provide content and services that are available to everyone. In addition, the spatial change of the library for users who are accustomed to the information sharing format that is simultaneously carried out with the rapid change of the paradigm of the times is accelerating. Therefore, this study explores how these periodical changes are applied spatially in shared spaces for library users. For this analysis, this study first conducted theoretical considerations of modern library space, and analyzed the structure of shared space in library cases and the characteristics of shared network in knowledge information space through analysis of user space. The Rolex Learning Center, designed by SANAA, was selected for analysis. The results are as follows. 1) The knowledge information of the modern society is being constructed in various contents and formats, and the format of sharing it is increasingly being strengthened to ensure concurrency. 2) The shared space was classified into three types: active commons(AC), quiet commons(QC), and interactive commons(IC). We can confirm that these three domains are hybridized and co-exist within one large space, deriving a comprehensive spatial format that incorporates and accommodates shared activities. 3) It is confirmed that the network of spaces for sharing knowledge information in the user space of this example has simultaneous characteristics that mean non-hierarchy, trans-boundary, free-fluidity, etc. These simultaneous properties of spatial networks are consequently judged to serve as a catalyst for encouraging users to make choices for more diverse sharing, while also inducing the generation and evolution of new knowledge information. 4) Through this study, knowledge and information activities in modern libraries have been expanded beyond the provision of knowledge and information that was important in libraries in the past.