The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Study on the Identification of Evacuation Facilities Sign for Urban Underground Entrance at Subway Station by using Immersive VR
Authors 김동식(Kim, Dongsik) ; 권예진(Kwon, Ye-jin) ; 허레이(He, Lei) ; 허진우(Heo, Jinwoo) ; 김대식(Kim, Daesik)
Page pp.23-31
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Immersive VR; Underground Entrance at Subway Evacuation Facilities Sign; Identification
Abstract To enhance the identification of evacuation facilities attached to the subway station's underground entrance in case of an emergency, this study intends to draw results on the preference, recognition, and information delivery power of evacuation facilities according to various types of subway stations. The setting of the study methods and ranges is as follows. First, a related theoretical review was conducted. Second, Revit and Twinmotion were used to create virtual spaces as real as possible. Third, an experiment and survey were conducted on a total of 30 participants using immersive virtual reality techniques (Immersive VR). Fourth, based on the survey data, the analysis was established such as preference and recognition of evacuation facilities at subway stations' underground entrances. The conclusions of this study are as follows: It is believed that the signs of evacuation facilities do not provide effective information to users in general. Therefore, consideration should be given to pictograms and sizes that are quickly identifiable and can be easily understood by foreigners. In addition, the central area of the posterior inner wall was the highest for identification according to the marking area of the evacuation facility through VR experiments. Evacuation facility markings attached to inappropriate locations should create confusion and provide visual uniformity while providing clear direction. This study is meaningful in providing basic data for future consideration in building subway stations or planning public facilities in the city by suggesting measures to increase the identification of evacuation facility markings while ensuring safety.