The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Preliminary Study on Vitalizing the Use of Local Public Libraries
Authors 유성은(Yoo, Sung Eun) ; 오명원(Oh, Myoung-Won)
Page pp.11-21
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Library design; Community facilities; Public library
Abstract This study aimed to find w ays to revitalize public libraries located in local cities. T he classification according to the status and size of public libraries w as investigated, and the basic data of the national library statistics system were compared for public libraries in Gunsan-si and Iksan-si, areas w here urban and rural areas are mix ed. I n addition, the population characteristics of each library's service area were analyzed as the ratio of youth population, productive population, and elderly population, and the characteristics of location, space composition, and program operation were investigated through field surveys of libraries located in rural areas. Public libraries should be op erated in an ap p rop riate manner to the p op ulation composition of the area. Libraries in towns and villages, where the youth and working populations are clearly decreasing and the elderly population is rapidly increasing, should operate facilities, services and programs specialized for the elderly, who are the majority. How ever, programs or space composition aimed only at the elderly are not suitable and should be provided in a generation-integrated format so that they can interact naturally with other generations. In addition, it is important to select a location for public libraries in Eup and Myeon areas in consideration of accessibility and connectivity with other facilities. This study will help bridge the regional gap in p ublic libraries and suggest w ays to revitalize them.