The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title Analysis of Usage Status and Satisfaction of Apartment Community Health·Cultural Facilities
Authors 이진원(Lee, Jin-Won) ; 모정현(Mo, Jeong-Hyun)
Page pp.48-58
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Apartment; community facilities; health facility; cultural facilities; usage status; satisfaction
Abstract The purpose of this study was to analyze the usage status of each community facility and the satisfaction of the residents, and, thereby, find the recent problems of apartment community facilities. This study aimed to make approaches from tw o main perspectiv es: ‘ usage status per facility’ and ‘satisfaction per facility’ relevant to collective housing community facilities. The research methods were as follows: first, the analysis criteria were established by ex amining the precedent studies and literature reviews on apartment communities; second, the usage status and satisfaction were examined by conducting an apartment community site survey and an FGD survey; third, a facility satisfaction survey was conducted among 400 people residing in Complex 4 and the collected data w as used to derive the use of and satisfaction with community facilities through frequency analysis and regression analysis; fourth, the problems of community facilities and the directions for improvement were proposed by comprehensiv ely organiz ing the deriv ed results. T he result of the q ualitativ e surv ey show ed that it was necessary to install locker storage space in consideration of the number of households and users, and that it was necessary to install facilities used by minors in a location where adults can manage and protect them. The result of the site surv ey show ed that there w as a need for a separate entrance to GX because the personnel flows of GX users and fitness users overlapped with one another, causing congestion and safety issues. Finally, the result of the quantitative survey showed that the satisfaction with sports facilities was lowered due to the ventilation problem, and that the satisfaction with rest facilities not only showed the highest mean value, but also had a significant effect on the satisfaction with community facilities.