The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Study on the Architectural Characteristics of Traditional Houses in Yeongdong-gun
Authors 이완건(Lee, Wan-Geon)
Page pp.59-67
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Yeongdong-gun; Traditional house; Architectural characteristic; Location; Placement; Floor plan
Abstract The purpose of this study is to find the architectural characteristics of six traditional houses located in Yeongdong-gun designated as either state-designated heritage or province-designated heritage. Through this, research results are intended to be utilized as basic data for preservation policies of traditional houses in Yeongdong-gun and Chungcheongbuk-do. This study was conducted through research of existing literature and field surv eys. The results are as follow ings. F irstly, m ost of the traditional houses face south in the typ ical location of Baesanimsu(背山臨水), in which a low mountain is in the north and a river flow s to the south. The placement is mostly divided into an 'open ㅁ' shape and a '一' shape. This is more opened than the general placement of the northern part of Chungcheongbuk-do. Secondly, the floor p lan typ es of the An-chae are mostly divided into ‘ ㄷ ’ , ‘ ㄱ ’ , and ‘ 一 ’ shap es, but most of them are in a ‘一’ shape. The floor plan configuration is a southern-style in that the ‘kitchen+An-bang+Daecheong(大廳)+the opposite room’ is in a row facing south. Thirdly, the floor plan types of Sarang-chae are mostly divided into ‘工 ’, ‘ㄱ’, and ‘一’ shapes, but most of them are in a ‘ 一 ’ shap e. The floor p lan configuration is divided into either a ‘kitchen+Sarang-bang+Daecheong+the opposite room ’ w ith a D aecheong style, or a ‘Sarang-bang+kitchen’ without a Daecheong style. Lastly, most of the annexes such as the barn, gatehouse, and etc. are in a ‘一’ shape. The sp atial com p osition is classified into cases where a storage space is composed of only a storehouse, shed, and barn, or a com p osition in w hich a gate and a room are combined to play the role of a gatehouse or Haengrang-chae.