The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title Analysis of the Application of Resident-based Commercial District Theory to Revitalize the Local Economy
Authors 손가영(Son, Ka-Young)
Page pp.94-101
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Single-person household in 20s; Single-person households by age; Re vi t ali zi n g t h e lo cal e co n o my; Co mme r ci al space analysis
Abstract This study attempted to investigate the correlation between reside nce and co mme rcial space bas ed o n th e the or y of co mmer cial s p ace . S ince co ns ump tio n typ es an d character istics by age are differ ent, the p u rp o se o f this stu dy is to e stablis h a plan to revitalize th e lo cal econ omy by s tud ying commercial spaces together based on residence by age. First, it can be seen that the density of single-person households is distinguished differently for each administrative district. Second, it can be seen that the distribution by region is similar in single-person households i n t h e i r 2 0 s an d 6 0 s , an d t h e r e ar e d i ffe r e n ce s i n e ach ad mi n i strative district. Third, it can be seen that co mme rcial facilitie s o f Ko re an foo d ar e mo s t affected in ar eas where single-person households are concentrated i n th ei r 2 0s . F ou rth, as a re su lt o f the analysi s base d o n th e central theory, it can be seen that the distribution type of commercial space in the densely populated area of single-person households in their 20s is highly dense. This can affect the revitalization of the local economy by intensively improving the developmental commercial district. Fifth, as a result of the analysis based on the store accumulation theory, since commercial areas of single-person households in their 2 0 s are sp at i ally con ce n t rat ed, inducing trips around developmental commercial areas th at can in duce sh oppin g tr ips will incre ase the s atisfaction of residents of single-person households.