The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Study on the Generative Structure of Events in Contemporary Architecture through Organism Philosophy by Alfred North Whitehead
Authors 양소희(Yang, So-Hee) ; 김동진(Kim, Dong-Jin)
Page pp.118-130
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Whitehead; Process and R eality; Organic system; Organism; Even
Abstract In Contemporary society, w ith the advent of the Internet of Things (IoT), a “relational worldview” in which people, people, and objects are connected to the Internet to communicate and exchange information is emerging. As a process being, various relationships are organically connected, and the concept of creation w ith the potential for change is becoming important. Architecture should also be viewed as a process that gradually changes in relationships, not as independent beings. As Louis I. Kahn said of "the society of rooms", the value of architecture lies in fostering relationships in space. This is to be investigated through “The Philosophy of Organism”, thought by Alfred North Whitehead, a process philosopher. This is a process of evolution in which the system creatively advances as a structure in w hich the relationship between complex events is regularized. And this point is similar th contemporary architecture, w hich is built according to the human behavior in that space. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine ‘the generative structure of events’ through Whitehead’s organic philosophy, and based on this, to study the possibility of contemporary architecture as an event generation structure built in the complex relationship of the urban environment. In particular, the analysis was focused on the works of 4 architects, Rem Koolhaas(OMA), SANAA, M V R D V , T oyo I to, w hich w ere discussed from an event and structure perspective in contemporary architecture. Through this, it can be seen that multi-layered relationships in contemporary architecture are mutual involvemented to form order and become a place in space. We hope that architecture will be an invisible system for rapidly changing and complex social relations in the contemporary information society, and that an organic system will be establisched to continuously create events in the process of becoming a place to adapt and evolve according to the environment