The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title The Development of Age-Friendly Home Condition Checklist for Home Modification in Response to Aging
Authors 양건희(Yang, Gun-Hee) ; 권오정(Kwon, Oh-Jung)
Page pp.131-142
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Home modification in response to aging; Age-Friendly checklist; Home condition checklist; Usability evaluation
Abstract The need for home modification for senior increases, but home condition diagnosis tools are insufficient so that senior can not check and diagnose their home conditions on their own. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a home condition diagnosis tool specialized for the age-friendly design to be used by senior before implementing home modification to reflect the characteristics and needs of elderly households. This study was intended to develop an age-friendly home condition diagnosis tool for home modification in response to aging, and the contents of the study were as follow s. I n order to ex tract home condition diagnosis items for senior citiz ens to respond to aging themselves, domestic and foreign research data and home condition diagnosis tools currently used were examined and the items used in 8 diagnostic tools were rearranged. In order to develop age-friendly diagnostic tools, The researchers of this study looked at 4 domestic and 4 overseas diagnostic tools designed for the elderly. After listing all of the age-friendly design elements used in these 8 diagnostic tools, similar items w ere rearranged. The subj ects of this study included senior aged 6 0 or older. After the subj ects w ere asked to use the self-checklist face-to-face, the usability evaluation was conducted using a questionnaire, and 5 preliminary surveys and 34 main surveys were conducted. Fianally, the 113 items in six areas at home w ere included in age-friendly home condition checklist. Design elements applied to elderly-friendly home condition checklist through tools designed to enhance the usability of the elderly are as follows: ① Shorten the length of sentences to enhance the readability of sentences, ② highlight important contents through the contrast of background and text colors, ③ the size of letters good for the elderly, ④ the font good for the elderly, ⑤ use pictograms and noticeable colors, and ⑥ use picture and painting to improve understanding of the contents.