The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title 복합문화공간 이미지 평가에 나타난 성별 감성특성
Authors 최계영(Choi, Gae-Young)
Page pp.1-10
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Complex cultural space; image evaluation; gender; sensibility characteristics; perception types
Abstract This study conducted the sensibility evaluation survey by using 3 perception types and 21 adjective pairs to targetting 4 images. The study results that analyzed visual perception characteristics in gender can be defined in the following several ways. First, it was possible to sort out the dominant characteristics by gender, perception types in order through comparing the average of sensibility evaluation values and the proportion of images that were selected as the most dominant ratio. This has differentiated compares to the existing study and can be an analysis technique that can compare more specific images and sensibility characteristics by analyzing gender sensibility characteristics toward images. Second, in the spatial evaluation, females had a clear selection of space than males and also showed higher results in the sensibility evaluation as well as indicated characteristics to express clearly. Third, through in the number of adjective pairs common to gender by perception types, 12 adjective pairs showed more than 10% advantage in spatiality and of which 10 adjective pairs showed gender congruence. 8 adjective pairs showed advantages in the formality and all these 8 adjective pairs indicated as common in both genders, which can be a characteristic of common gender perception towards given images. There were 5 adjective pairs shown as advantages in decorativeness, of which 1 adjective pair resulted as gender congruence. This result can be seen that decorativeness is the lowest gender commonality and lowest frequency of selection from images. Fourth, it was able to confirm that gender prefers to make a different selection depends on space or adjective pairs. It was possible to clarify the differences in the gender sensibility characteristics which appears in each perception types/ adjective pairs by arranging the big difference values of sensibility adjectives that appeared in the image selection process by gender. Depends on the gender, there were the characteristics that the selection of each image towards the perception types was clearly different, and furthermore, it is able to expect that this kind of space will bring more clear characteristics by the gender.