The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title 근대의자와 넨도디자인 의자의 조형적 특성 비교분석 연구
Authors 유종호(Yoo, Jong-Ho) ; 이현희(Lee, Hyun-Hee) ; 안은희(An, Eun-Hi)
Page pp.61-71
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Nendo Design; Modern Chair Design; Elements of Design; Principles of Design
Abstract In a contemporary design context, the form of design is created through various design principles. The form is often expressed concisely by several issues of the production process and economic aspects and is also influenced by the times and cultural symbolism. In particular, many architects and designers have developed numerous forms of chairs while experimenting with various materials and methods because the human scale and structural issues should be considered in the design process. Therefore, this paper investigates the meanings and aspects of design language by analyzing the characteristics of chairs. This paper starts by discussing modern chairs to explore their design language, and analyze the characteristics of the design language in contemporary chairs, focusing on the works by the Japanese design group, Nendo. Nendo deals with various fields of design such as furniture, interior space and architectural space, providing opportunities to consider different materials, forms and methods when creating design projects. By analyzing various representative chairs of the times, I try to explore characteristics of design forms, newly expressed in the contemporary context, focusing on works by Nendo. As a result, the characteristics of works in Nendo design are as follows 1) transformation and reunion of existing elements, 2) daily and non-daily 3) hiding 4) repetition of elements, 5) imperfection and 6) resting time for objects. As shown above, various design elements and principles are expressed as design characteristics. Comparing modern and Nendo design, it can be confirmed that Nendo design considers cognitive aspects in form compared to modern times. In the modern times, color shows character of the time and sensibility, while the Nendo design has a color expression limited to the sensibility. In modern times, the exposure of material purity through tactile texture is strong, whereas Nendo design shows tactile texture and visual texture equally. This indicates that a new cognitive aspect is emerging.