The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Study on the Characteristics of the Poche Representation in Brand Store - Focused on the Local Givenchy Store -
Authors 김재성(Kim, Jae-Sung) ; 조혜연(Cho, Hea-Yon)
Page pp.71-81
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Poche; Visualization; Relationship; Integrating; Reproduction
Abstract This study macroscopically examines the relationship of experience with consumers to form various surface information that appears in Poche in brand stores. For this purpose, establishing the spatial expression that appears in the intensive space and the recognition element of the commodity, and clarifying the representation characteristics of the Poche in the modern store is the objective. Analyze the meaning of Poche and how Poche’s characteristics were applied in the construction of space through the application case of architecture, and describe the characteristics. Therefore, this study is summarized as follows. First, through the classic meaning of Poche and the actual case applied, we confirmed that Poche is a reproduction that can graphically connect the relationship between order and unstructured space structure present in the brand space of consumer facilities. Second, Porsche was found to be reproducing the integrated void and solid systems in the modern environment. Third, based on the above content, we reinterpreted Poche. After that, the characteristics were derived by dividing them into visualization, relationship, and construction. In this sense, this study can be a new interpretation of the case applied in modernity based on the characteristics of Poche. On the other hand, this research provided an opportunity to show that there is a system of order in which a series of spaces interact with each other by connecting Poche to brand stores in a geometrical manner