Title |
Space Analysis by Perceived Affordance |
Authors |
박준민(Park, Jun-min) ; 홍일태(Hong, Il-Tea) |
http://doi.org/10.14774/JKIID.2022.31.6.067 |
Keywords |
Affordance; Reggio Emilia; Interaction; Spatial Analysis |
Abstract |
In order to re-establish affordance theory in space and apply it to space design, the spatial composition method based on Legio Emilia’s educational theory concept was reinterpreted as affordance concept, and several cases were selected and analyzed from the spatial composition and interpretation. Previously, affordance in space was acted on or considered as a phenomenon in and out of space, such as furniture and decoration, but this study could confirm the possibility of a perceived affordance design by reconstructing a clear and specific process in constructing a space where perceived affordance and environment interact. By configuring various environments, a space with deeper human-centered interactions than the existing space is formed by causing collisions with users. |