The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Study on Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) for Visual Merchandising of Nike Flagship Store with Experience Design
Authors 최원선(Choi, Won-Sun)
Page pp.131-139
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Experience Design; Visual Merchandising; Nike; Flagship Store; IPA(Importance-Performance Analysis)
Abstract The Nike Rise Seoul store is Nike’s flagship store and one of the global representative stores, and is a large digital experiential store strategically implemented with various experiential visual merchandising. The goal of this study is to empirically find out what kind of experiential visual merchandising is important to the trend-sensitive Generation Z in Nike Rise Seoul store and what kind of experiential visual merchandising they are satisfied with. Therefore, first, prior research and Internet research were conducted on the Nike brand, experience design, and visual merchandising. Next, a survey was conducted on experiential visual merchandising implemented in the store targeting 100 Gen Z people who visited the Nike Rise Seoul store within the last 3 months, and finally 90 copies of data were obtained. Using SPSS 20.0, a program specializing in statistics, frequency analysis was conducted to find out the demographic characteristics of question respondents and the usage status of stores, and the reliability of the data was tested. In addition, IPA was conducted on the experience design elements for each of the four MP elements, and the following results were derived. First, the experience design elements that require intensive investment and management in Nike Rise Seoul are the non-dailyness of the VP zone, the sensibility of the IP zone, and the dynamics of the EP zone. Second, sensibility was analyzed to be the most important experiential effect and informativeness was analyzed to be the most satisfactory experiential effect. Third, the interaction of the EP zone was analyzed as the second most important item among all analysis items, as well as the most satisfactory item. Fourth, among the MP factors, the EP zone was analyzed to have the lowest perceptual level than the experience effect expected by Generation Z consumers.