The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Study on Function of Indoor and Outdoor Spaces in Regenerated Parks for Utilization of Infrastructure
Authors 임함소(Ren, Han-Xiao) ; 이소영(Lee, So-Young)
Page pp.1-11
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Infrastructure; Regeneration; Disposal Space; Park; Recycling; Function
Abstract The compound cultural space and parks have been vacant and regenerated as a result of the shift in industrial structure and social composition. This study aims to investigate the ways in which different spatial types were used for internal and external spaces, focusing on cases of abandoned infrastructure that have been used as domestic industries in the past, and to analyze the regenerative design characteristics of each case that utilizes infrastructure using the evaluation characteristics derived from the previous studies. This study results would contribute to the fundamental information required for the future use of infrastructure to enable spatial functions. For the case study, cases regenerated and renovated within the last ten years are selected. First, the concept of infrastructure and the design characteristics of regenerated spaces of obsolete industrial facilities are explored through previous studies. Secondly a spatial-type survey of the functions of infrastructure using idle industrial facilities and the functions given by additional buildings is conducted to analyze the current status of the compounding of regenerated facilities. Finally case studies are used to study the characteristics of regeneration design and assessment projects are used to research and analyze the key characteristics of urban regeneration. Urban regeneration as a building achieves limited results, however iconic buildings as stronghold facilities can bring about a gathering effect and further consolidate wholeness. These stronghold facilities are provided in a variety of ways such as total demolition, partial demolition, new construction, and additional construction by coordination of interior and exterior spaces.