The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Study on the Establishment of the Design Studio’s Small Brand Space Identity
Authors 김진호(Kim, Jin-Ho) ; 배세연(Bae, Se-Yeon) ; 장순각(Jang, Soon-Gak)
Page pp.57-65
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Design Studio; Total Branding; Space Identity; Alfred North Whitehead; Sensualism
Abstract One of the characteristics that can be seen in the field of interior design today is the emergence of design studios. The characteristic of their design work is that it aims for total branding. In the past, such processes have been mainly applied to brand stores under companies, but with the advent of design studios, they have also begun to be applied to small scale brand stores. Commercial spaces that has gone through this process that achieve significant commercial results through SNS by establishing store identity. There may be differences in the elements that form store identity, but most of them are furniture, lighting, decoration, color, logo, finishing materials, etc. The important point here is that the elements act as integrated elements that form a style, not as individual beings. In this way, the elements the space form a mutually related relationship through total branding. In this study, The identity of space is viewed based on Whitehead’s aesthetic sensory theory. Based on this theory, it can be seen that different elements of space exist independently, but are recognized as a completed space through the theory of sensory theory. This shows that the design method called total branding plays a significant role in building spatial identity. Finally, analyzing the site that went through the branding work of the design studio through Whitehead’s sensory theory, it was confirmed that the harmony, space form, and function of the spatial components interact with each other to firmly build the functional and aesthetic identity that space identity.