The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title Basic Study on the Process of Customizing Housing Environment in Care-Safe Housing for the Elderly
Authors 홍사철(Hong, Sa-Chul) ; 김석태(Kim, Suk-Tae)
Page pp.84-93
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Welfare Housing for the Elderly; Public Rental Housing for the Elderly; Living Lab; Community Care; Residential planning for the elderly; Elderly Life Style; Physical Functional Characteristics of the Elderly
Abstract The current elderly care housing integrates residential and welfare facilities; however, due to limitations in business models and institutional standards, providing a customized living environment is challenging. Recognizing this, it is deemed possible to derive design strategies and propose implementation plans through the introduction of the Living Lab business model. Therefore, relevant criteria supporting the implementation of the Living Lab were classified and organized, and deficiencies and facilities for addressing aging were defined. These items were presented by utilizing the Object-Oriented Space Model (BIM) system, distinguishing between internal and external space models. Proposed standard design criteria for rental elderly care housing, utilizing the classified criteria, and a process for providing a customized living environment, divided into planning and post-completion stages, were suggested. It is expected that this will facilitate the smooth application of the Living Lab business model, enhance the diversity of elderly housing models, and contribute to foundational research for creating customized living environments. The proposed standard design criteria and process are anticipated to improve the productivity of design professionals and simplify the construction process by providing templates for space models.