The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Study on the Design Process for Color Landscape Improvement of Rural Villages
Authors 조은수(Cho, Eun-Soo) ; 채민규(Chae, Min-Kyu)
Page pp.49-61
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Color Landscape; Rural Villages; Design Process; Time; Space
Abstract Rural villages in Korea are forming heterogeneous landscapes that do not harmonize with the surrounding natural environment due to the overuse of highly saturated colors. The factor in this phenomenon is the housing improvement project of the Saemaul Movement, which was promoted nationwide in the 1970s to modernize underdeveloped rural and fishing areas. As a result, the roof color of Korea’s rural villages is still perceived as being out of harmony with the surrounding natural landscape and a fundamental solution to the color problem in rural villages has still not been found. Accordingly, the purpose of this study is to recognize the problems of color landscapes in rural villages in Korea that have not been resolved for a long time and to propose a color design process for practical improvement of color landscapes in rural villages. This process consists of 7 steps. In ?Research?, the concept of ‘main view points’ is utilized during field investigation, and In 「Analysis」, color analysis from various viewpoints was possible. ?Concept? and ?Color Design? presents standards for setting the direction of color design and color range, ?Guidelines? presents detailed color guidelines. ?Simulation? are used to determine whether the product is in harmony with the surroundings. ?Management and Utilization Plan? presents a plan for systematic management and establishment of the color landscape after the end of the color landscape plan. The conclusion of the study is as follows. First, when planning the color landscape of a rural villages, the relationship with the background and adjacent objects must be considered. Second, it is essential to reflect major viewpoints when planning a color landscape. Third, a systematic color landscape management plan is needed even after the color landscape plan is completed. This process will be used as a helpful process to improve the color of rural villages in Korea.