The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Case Study on the Regeneration Space Utilizing Closed School Applying the Planning Elements of Placemaking
Authors 김유진(Kim, Yu-Jin) ; 황연숙(Hwang, Yeon-Sook)
Page pp.20-29
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Placemaking; Closed School; Regeneration Space Utilizing Closed School
Abstract Recently, the school-age population has continued to decrease due to the low birth rate, and as a result, schools are closing and becoming neglected. However, the closed school considered an important resource for promoting regional revitalization from a geographical and emotional perspective. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to derive planning elements of placemaking and suggest a direction through case analysis of regeneration spaces utilizing closed school. An on-site survey was conducted by eight case studies that were reopened as cultural and experiential education spaces located in metropolitan cities in Korea. The results of this study are as follow : First, this study derived ‘Enhancement of Publicness,’ ‘Forming a Bond,’ ‘Utilization of Resources,’ ‘Convenience of Access,’ and ‘Image Formation’ as planning elements of placemaking. Second, the types of regeneration space utilizing closed school could be largely subdivided into ‘Utilization type’, ‘Location type’, and ‘Layout type’. Third, regeneration spaces utilizing closed school were largely being created through ‘remodeling’ and ‘new construction’. Fourth, the ‘Enhancement of publicness’ was most evident in planning elements of placemaking that can be applied to regeneration spaces utilizing closed school. Fifth, the ‘Image formation’ was found to be the least effective in the planning elements of placemaking applicable to regeneration spaces utilizing closed school.