The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Study on the User’s Psychological and Physiological Response Before and After COVID-19 of Third Places on Campuses
Authors 김수정(Kim, Soo-Jeong) ; 박수빈(Park, Soobeen)
Page pp.40-48
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Third Place; Campuses Rest Space; University Students; Psychological and Physiological Response
Abstract In this study, we focused on Ray Oldenburg’s ‘Third Place’ concept to propose a university student lounge design that encompasses a variety of student activities to overcome the disconnection caused by social distancing during the COVID-19 period. The subjects were divided into two, students admitted before COVID-19 (Group A) and students admitted after COVID-19 (Group B). A total of 138 people participated in the survey, answering questions about CES-E, university life, third places they frequently use and the reasons for doing so, etc. Of these, 60 subjects participated in an experiment on psychological and physiological responses to spatial and color images of five representative third places. Psychological responses were measured using 8 interior concept adjectives and 5 color image adjectives, and physiological responses were measured through EEG measured by Neuro Harmony S. There was a little difference between Group A and Group B in the psychological evaluation of the spatial and color images of the third place. In the physiological response experiment, Group A responded as more ‘comfortable’ and ‘dynamical’ to spatial and color images than Group B. The reason is that Group B appears to have had less diverse experiences with third places than Group A. Therefore, a students lounge that can help university students overcome the negative effects of COVID-19 reflects the images of frequently visited third place and has a dynamic images that allows for various activities such as conversations, discussions, and entertainment as well as relaxation.