The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title Analysis of Sustainable Hotel Design Characteristics Considering Well-Being
Authors 이승희(Lee, Seung-Hee)
Page pp.112-125
ISSN 12297992
Keywords Well-being; Sustainability; Hotel Design; WELL Certification
Abstract This study aims to analyze the principles and application methods of sustainable hotel design through case studies of WELL-certified hotel spaces, and to suggest directions for the sustainable hotel industry considering well-being. To achieve this, WELL-certified hotel cases were selected, and how they pursue well-being design elements and sustainability factors was examined. Additionally, this investigation discusses the future directions and considerations for well-being hotel design. Data collection was limited to official materials provided by the IWBI official WELL site, the official sites of the case study hotels, and online journals related to certification. A total of five WELL-certified hotel building cases were selected: three in the United States, one in Hong Kong, and one in Japan. The analysis method was based on WELL v2, investigating the ten detailed concepts of certification and the sustainable operational elements associated with them. The study analyzed the characteristics and application methods of WELL-certified hotel designs by reviewing literature and the current status of the sustainable hotel industry to explore the connection between sustainability and WELL certification pursued by the hotel industry. As WELL evolved from v1 to v2, the concepts became more detailed, establishing a foundation for designing qualitative and quantitative well-being environments through physical characteristics, facility elements, and program composition.