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Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute

J Korea Inst. Struct. Maint. Insp.
  • Indexed by
  • Korea Citation Index (KCI)
Title Compression Sensing Technique for efficient Structural Health Monitoring - Focusing on Optimization of CAFB and Shaking Table Test Using Kobe Seismic Waveforms
Authors 허광희(Gwang-Hee Heo) ; 이진옥(Chin-Ok Lee) ; 서상구(Sang-Gu Seo) ; 정유승(Yu-Seung Jeong) ; 전준용(Joon-Ryong Jeon)
Page pp.23-32
ISSN 2234-6937
Keywords 압축 센싱 (CS); 달팽이관-원리기반 인공필터뱅크 (CAFB); 대역통과필터 최적화 알고리즘 (BOA); 첨두치-색출 알고리즘 (PPA); 재건오차 (RE); 압축율 (CR); 스팩트럼오차 (SE); 구조 건전도 모니터링 (SHM) Compression Sensing(CS); Cochlea-inspired Artificial Filter Bank (CAFB); Band-pass Filter Optimizing Algorithm (BOA); Peak-picking Algorithm (PPA); Reconstruction Error (RE); Compressive Ratio (CR); Spectrum Error (SE); Structural Health Monitoring (SHM)
Abstract The compression sensing technology, CAFB, was developed to obtain the raw signal of the target structure by compressing it into a signal of the intended frequency range. At this point, for compression sensing, the CAFB can be optimized for various reference signals depending on the desired frequency range of the target structure. In addition, optimized CAFB should be able to efficiently compress the effective structural answers of the target structure even in sudden/dangerous conditions such as earthquakes. In this paper, the targeted frequency range for efficient structural integrity monitoring of relatively flexible structures was set below 10Hz, and the optimization method of CAFB for this purpose and the seismic response performance of CAFB in seismic conditions were evaluated experimentally. To this end, in this paper, CAFB was first optimized using Kobe seismic waveform, and embedded it in its own wireless IDAQ system. In addition, seismic response tests were conducted on two span bridges using Kobe seismic waveform. Finally, using an IDAQ system with built-in CAFB, the seismic response of the two-span bridge was wirelessly obtained, and the compression signal obtained was cross-referenced with the raw signal. From the results of the experiment, the compression signal showed excellent response performance and data compression effects in relation to the raw signal, and CAFB was able to effectively compress and sensitize the effective structural response of the structure even in seismic situations. Finally, in this paper, the optimization method of CAFB was presented to suit the intended frequency range (less than 10Hz), and CAFB proved to be an economical and efficient data compression sensing technology for instrumentation-monitoring of seismic conditions.