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Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute

J Korea Inst. Struct. Maint. Insp.
  • Indexed by
  • Korea Citation Index (KCI)
Title A Parametric Study on Effects of Column Shortening Analytical Correction Using Measured Results in RC Tall Buildings
Authors 송은석(Eun-Seok Song) ; 김재요(Jae-Yo Kim)
Page pp.38-47
ISSN 2234-6937
Keywords 고층건축물; 기둥축소; 해석보정; 시공단계해석 Tall Building; Column shortening; Analytical Correction; Construction Sequence analysis
Abstract A parametric study for analytical correction using measurement results was performed to minimize errors in the predictions of columnshortening in RC tall building. The parameters of the column shortening analytical correction are the execution standard of analytical correction, thevalue of the analytical correction, and the measurement location, and the analytical correction models with the parameters were applied to theconstruction sequence analysis of a 41-story RC building to compare and analyze the correction effect according to the parameter. The reduction ratioof the error value for each floor was compared with the number of corrections and the total corrected value, and it was confirmed that the error tendedto be minimized when the execution standard of analytical correction was performed based on a regular interval, when the analysis correction valuewas corrected by the error value, and when the measurement position was measured every floor. From this, it was confirmed that the most appropriateanalytical correction model can be derived by applying multiple analytical correction models to the actual analysis model.