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Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute

J Korea Inst. Struct. Maint. Insp.
  • Indexed by
  • Korea Citation Index (KCI)


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Ha, T.H. (2018), Column Shortening of Tall Buildings – Theory and Practices, Magazine of the Korea Concrete Institute, 30(1), 46-52.Google Search
Ha, T.H., Lee, S.H. (2012), Advanced Staged Analysis Program for Precise Construction of RC Tall Buildings, Magazine of the Korea Concrete Institute, 24(4)DOI
Kim, H.S., Shin, S.H. (2012), Error Analysis for Column Shortening Prediction Model by Field Measurement, J. Archit. Inst. Korea (Struct. & Constr.), 28(6), 19-26.DOI
Kim, H.S., Shin, S.H. (2012), Optimum Distribution of Reinforcement to Reduce Differential Column Shortening, J. Archit. Inst. Korea (Struct. & Constr.), 28(9), 33-40.DOI
Kim, Y.M. (2008), Optimal Compensation of Differential Column Shortening in Tall Buildings for Multi Column Groups, J. Comput. Struct. Eng. Inst. Korea, 21(2), 189-197.Google Search
Kim, Y.M. (2011), The Optimal Column Grouping Technique for the Compensation of Column Shortening, J. Comput. Struct. Eng. Inst. Korea, 24(2), 141-148.DOI
Song, E.S., Kim, J.Y. (2019), Analytical Correction Method by Comparison of the Column Shortening Measurement - Prediction in Tall Building, J. Comput. Struct. Eng. Inst. Korea, 32(6), 391-399.DOI
Song, H.C., Doe, G.Y., Cho, H.H. (2005), Field Measurement and Compensation Method of Column Shortening for SRC Columns in 37-story Residential Building, J. Korea Institute of Building Constr., 5(4), 145-152.DOI
Song, H.C., Kim, H.T. (2018), Probabilistic Analysis and Compensation of Column Shortening for SRC Columns in High-rise Building, J. Archit. Inst. Korea (Struct. & Constr.), 20(2), 95-103.Google Search