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Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute

J Korea Inst. Struct. Maint. Insp.
  • Indexed by
  • Korea Citation Index (KCI)
Title Effect of Fiber Volume Fractions on Flow and Uniaxial Tension Properties of 3D Printed SHCC
Authors 현창진(Chang-Jin Hyun) ; 김효정(Hyo-Jung Kim) ; 이병재(Byung-Jae Lee) ; 김윤용(Yun-Yong Kim)
Page pp.83-90
ISSN 2234-6937
Keywords 3D 프린팅; 시멘트복합체; 인장변형경화; PVA섬유 3D printing; Cement composites; Tensile strain hardening; PVA fibers
Abstract This study investigates the 3D printing characteristics of strain hardening cement composites (SHCC) reinforced by PVA fibers. Three SHCC mixtures with diverse fiber volume fractions (1.0% for F1.0 mixture, 1.5% for F1.5 mixture, and 1.8% for F1.8 mixture) were designed. Except for the F1.0 mixture, all mixtures met the necessary conditions for multiple micro-cracking, with higher fiber volume fractions more readily satisfying these conditions. The flow values of three SHCC mixtures were within the 3D printable range of 120~160 mm, exhibiting decreased flow values with increasing the fiber volume fractions. Observation of the printed SHCC surfaces indicated that the F1.0 mixture had a Level-3 (good) rating, while F1.5 and F1.8 were rated as Level-2 (average). Higher fiber volume fractions resulted in poorer surface quality, thus, further research needs to be performed for modulating SHCC mixture suitable for 3D printing. The uniaxial tension behavior showed that the F1.0 mixture failed at lower strain, whereas F1.5 and F1.8 exhibited higher strain performance with multiple micro-cracks occurring.